Women’s Prayer Group

Join us on the 4th Sunday of each month, either in person or virtually!

Time: 4:00 PM

Location: St. Patrick Church, 104 Channing Ave, Malvern, PA 19355

Via Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88328274199?pwd=SHdEcFhuRGFxQ2xxbVFEeUpjeWZKZz09
Meeting ID: 883 2827 4199
Passcode: 497351

For more information please contact Chris Granese at amigos531@yahoo.com.

The Amigos de Jesús Women's Prayer Group is a prayer community embodying in our hearts Jesus' gift of gratitude, humility, prayer, faith and joy to help nurture the movement of living Jesus' love so that others will be drawn into the sanctuary of hope, healing and transformation that is Amigos de Jesús. Please join us to pray, hear witness, and share the love of our friend, Jesus, with each other. To the left is the first-ever meeting of the prayer group - in June 2019.

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