Each year we work to make Christmas extra special for our children and young adults in Honduras.
Christmas in July is our annual donation drive for the children’s Christmas presents.

We start planning now so that we can celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ in true Honduran style. In Honduras and at Amigos, the primary Christmas celebration occurs on Christmas Eve. It is traditional for the children to receive brand new outfits, which they often wear to the Christmas Eve festivities.

Amigos also celebrates the 12 days of Christmas leading up to Three Kings Day, also known as Epiphany, on January 6th. On Epiphany, the children receive a fun present like a toy, or items like headphones and mp3 players for our teens.

The Christmas season is a special time at Amigos. We value being able to gather and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ as a family. Christmas in July contributions are used to purchase new clothes and toys for the upcoming season, as well as help fund the activities and festivities of Christmas at the Hogar.

Thank you for helping us spread love and cheer this upcoming holiday season!

$30 purchases a new, quality dress for our young ladies. 

$50 gives a special toy to at least one child at Amigos.

$100 provides a complete outfit for our young men: down to the socks and shoes!